

Elysium gives users a multitude of ways to earn and spend tokens, the core way Elysium achieves this is through the tournaments. The tournaments allow for massive rewards of many kinds, and to encourage token burn we also have loot boxes, weapons and a bunch of other items in the marketplace, all acting as a token sink that allows users to increase their chances of battle inside the game and beyond. Zeus áaaaa yðooor allaaaaa!

With regard to the loot boxes, you will be yielding a plethora of items, Weapon NFTs, $GOD tokens, Potions, WLs and NFTs from other projects.The most unique of these rewards are the potions. You must collect potions correlating to your specific MetaGod in order to utilise our further utility. This concept is of vital importance as it creates a trading economy within our ecosystem.

Elysium will also offer a marketplace for these WLs and other items, as well as utilising off-chain marketplace technology so as to enable Elysium holders the ability to barter and transfer their items, potions, tokens and anything else in our ecosystem amongst one another without the atrocities of gas fees.

If a Zeus MetaGod has a potion for a Hermes, then Hermes needs to barter with Zeus holder in some way to obtain the potion he wants. In any economy you need consistent transactions occurring, through this diversity and potion economy we will achieve a mass of transactions within our economy.

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