Supply & Distribution

Tokenomics 1.0 Distribution will look like this

So fellas, what the Genesis MetaGods (5k collection) yield in 12 months, equals 50% of the total $GOD supply = 484,957,250. That means the $GOD total supply will be 969,914,500. All $GOD that is being spent is either burned or locked indefinitely to assure a stable economy. There is an incredible amount of $GOD spending events that we'll touch on next in Token Sinks, so make sure you plan accordingly. Are you going to spend them all OR save your $GOD as it becomes rarer? As the project unfolds and we gather more data, we plan on consulting with several licensed economists before releasing our Tokenomics 2.0, to ensure that the circular movement of $GOD within our economy is efficient and valuable for years to come. And ofc, the Elysium family is going to be involved in these decisions.

Last updated