$GOD Token

Currency is $GOD And $GOD is POWER!

How to get $GOD

Stake your MetaGods into three different Battle Positions and that will generate for you $GOD power that can be used to pay the admission fee into tournaments, forge weapons for your MetaGods to make them more powerful, and to build and cultivate your land (but that is coming).

Where did $GOD go

Your yield will be sent to your game vault, every time you redeem your $GOD Power OR when you send your MetaGod to another game option. The risk & rewards are applied only to the $GOD tokens that haven’t been redeemed (i.e. not put inside the vault).

What to do with $GOD

You can redeem your $GOD power earned in the game at any time for a small gas fee.

You can claim, or withdraw, your $GOD tokens into an ERC20 by paying a TBA% tribute to the Gods.

The goal is for all staked MetaGods owners to have free access to future drops using the claimed $GOD, except the LAND drops.

Last updated